In case you missed it, here are some of the top food safety stories from last week:

PCA Sentencing: The final two defendants in the Peanut Corporation of America case, Daniel Kilgore and Samuel Lightsey, were sentenced Thursday, Oct. 1, in Albany, GA, to six and three years in prison, respectively. The two men made plea deals with federal prosecutors and testified at the trial a year ago.

Salmonella in a Hospital: The relatively rare serotype Salmonella Isangi infected 14 people in the same unit at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit last month, and so far, nobody seems exactly sure how it occurred, or even if it was food-related. State health officials and hospital staff are reportedly still investigating.

Cucumber Outbreak Continues: The number of Salmonella Poona infections linked to Mexican cucumbers has risen to 671 victims from 34 states, with three deaths and 131 hospitalizations being reported so far. In related news, Andrew & Williamson, the cucumber producer, has pledged a donation to the STOP Foodborne Illness campaign to help educate emergency room doctors about foodborne illness.

Antibiotics in Animal Ag: FDA, USDA and CDC held a public meeting last week to discuss possible approaches for collecting additional on-farm antimicrobial drug use and resistance data. FDA is collecting public comments on the proposals and additional ideas until Nov. 30, 2015.

Inconspicuous Research: Food safety inspectors and researchers may want to use smartphones instead of clipboards to collect less-biased information, according to a recent study from Penn State.

More Chicken Entrées Recalled: Aspen Foods of Chicago, a division of Koch Poultry Company, recalled more raw, frozen, stuffed and breaded chicken entrées due to the risk of Salmonella Enteriditis contamination. At least five people have been sickened. The newly recalled products, an estimated 561,000 pounds, were sold under 19 different brands and expanded the company’s July 15 recall of nearly 2 million pounds.

Catered Contamination: The cause of a late-July outbreak following a catered wedding reception in New York state turned out to be Staphylococcus aureus. Thirty-five people were reportedly sickened after the reception at Arrowhead Lodge in Oneida Shores Park.

Coming Up This Week: The final part of our five-part special series on FSMA will post tomorrow (Tuesday): “Will FSMA Make a Difference?,” by Dr. David Acheson.

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