safe cooking temperatures

A former chef of a pub in England has been given a four-month suspended jail sentence in connection with an incident that killed one person and sickened more than 30 in 2018.

John Croucher, the former head chef at the Crewe Arms in Northamptonshire, was sentenced this past week at
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Food Safety Education Month

Whether you tried your hand at baking bread, followed a new recipe on Tik Tok, or even thought up some creative dishes “Iron Chef” style, the past 18 months have turned many more of us into home cooks. For Food Safety Education Month (FSEM) in September,
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Editor’s note: Children, pregnant women and older adults can develop serious and life-threatening illnesses from food poisoning. Holidays usually include these high-risk groups, making food safety even more important than usual.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is urging everyone to be food safe

Continue Reading Timing, temperature and tragedy — avoid the third on July 4th with simple food safety practices

Consuming leftover pork chops carries a high risk for contracting Salmonella and Listeria infections if the meat was not originally cooked well-done, according to  new research.

A large percentage of people prefer their pork cooked medium, but a study published in Risk Analysis: An International Journal says that “cooking pork 
Continue Reading Are you eating leftover pork or leftover pathogens?

While it may appear safe to assume that President Trump will have no interest in these issues, determining his impact on the food safety agenda actually will require a nuanced effort. Notwithstanding the tweet complaining about the so-called “food police” and a leaked phone conversation about imposing stricter food safety
Continue Reading Trump’s well-done habits could bode well for food safety