Photo of Brian Ronholm

Brian Ronholm is the Director of Food Policy for Consumer Reports.  He leads CR’s advocacy efforts to advance a safe and healthy food system.  Brian brings deep legislative and regulatory experience in food policy to CR. Ronholm leverages his experience as the former deputy under secretary of food safety at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. He specializes in food safety regulation and policy, and provides clients with strategic advice on navigating regulatory challenges in the food and agriculture space. During his time at USDA, Ronholm developed strategic frameworks and engaged in outreach activities to advance FSIS policies and initiatives impacting the meat, poultry, and processed egg industries.


If you enjoyed a slice of cherry pie over the holidays, chances are you weren’t aware of the tyranny this delicious dessert suffers under, and the 15-year effort to unleash the poor, huddled cherries yearning to breathe free. At least, that’s what you would think if you read a

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In his welcoming remarks at the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) conference last week, Peter Freedman, managing director of the Consumer Goods Forum, which convenes the annual conference, asserted that building consumer trust is at the very foundation of GFSI. Curiously, a perusal of the conference agenda would reveal
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During the recent Good Food Institute conference on cell-cultured meat, an industry executive remarked that he tries to stay away from politics and focus on his company and developing the technology. That certainly is an understandable approach, especially given the turbulent political climate we are experiencing. 

However, considering that
Continue Reading There’s room on the hamburger bun for cell-cultured meat and politics

One significant provision in Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue’s most recent realignment announcement would move the U.S. Codex Office from the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) to the newly created Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs (TFAA) office.

While the move may seem inconsequential on the surface, this realignment will
Continue Reading Moving the U.S. Codex Office to USDA Trade is a big mistake