Photo of Brian Ronholm

Brian Ronholm is the Director of Food Policy for Consumer Reports.  He leads CR’s advocacy efforts to advance a safe and healthy food system.  Brian brings deep legislative and regulatory experience in food policy to CR. Ronholm leverages his experience as the former deputy under secretary of food safety at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. He specializes in food safety regulation and policy, and provides clients with strategic advice on navigating regulatory challenges in the food and agriculture space. During his time at USDA, Ronholm developed strategic frameworks and engaged in outreach activities to advance FSIS policies and initiatives impacting the meat, poultry, and processed egg industries.

While it may appear safe to assume that President Trump will have no interest in these issues, determining his impact on the food safety agenda actually will require a nuanced effort. Notwithstanding the tweet complaining about the so-called “food police” and a leaked phone conversation about imposing stricter food safety
Continue Reading Trump’s well-done habits could bode well for food safety

(This Aug. 14, 2014, blog post by Brian Ronholm, Deputy Under Secretary for Food Safety, Food Safety and Inspection Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, is reposted here with permission.) On Wednesday, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced new procedures that will allow the agency
Continue Reading FSIS Enhances Food Safety Protections for Ground Beef

(This May 16, 2014, blog post by Brian Ronholm, Acting Under Secretary for Food Safety, Food Safety and Inspection Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, is reposted here with permission.)

As grilling season heats up, the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service is enhancing our food safety testing program for ground
Continue Reading FSIS is ‘Super-Sizing’ Ground Beef Pathogen Testing This Summer