TAMPA, FL — Hand sanitizers have surrounded me from elementary school field trips to competitive sporting tournaments in high school and college. Running water wasn’t always available before snack time, or for handling mouth guards between games. There are many questions I had about antimicrobial hand sanitizers, but had no
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Editor’s note: In recognition of Global Handwashing Day today, we have compiled information from the CDC about why it is so important to promote this simple activity. 

Handwashing is like a “do-it-yourself” vaccine to reduce the spread of diarrheal and respiratory illness so you and those around you can stay
Continue Reading Your life is in your hands: Global Handwashing Day is Oct. 15

Nineteen ingredients commonly used in antibacterial soaps and washes, including two suspected endocrine disruptors linked to reproductive and developmental harm, are being phased out with the publication of a new federal rule. In announcing the rule, the Food and Drug Administration reassured consumers that there are still effective measures to
Continue Reading FDA’s final rule on antibacterial soaps bans 19 ingredients