As was made all too clear once again with the terrorist attacks in Belgium last week, information sharing across agencies is crucial during investigations. Foodborne illness outbreak investigations are no different from terror investigations in that sense.
- FDA’s Investments into a Nationally Integrated Food Safety System;
- Building a National Competency Based Training System;
- Work Planning & Inspection Strategies for FSMA Implementation;
- Integrating the Nation’s Laboratory Efforts;
- Integrating Globally and its Impact for Food Safety; and
- What Will an Integrated Food Safety System Look Like?
In addition to Corby, presenters for the forum include:
- Ron Klein, AFDO;
- Steven Solomon, DVM, MPH, FDA;
- Jerry Wojtala, International Food Protection Training Institute;
- Loney Nunemaker, FDA;
- Joann Givens, FDA/ORA;
- Shari Shea, Association of Public Health Laboratories;
- Karil L. Kochenderfer, The Global Food Safety Initiative;
- David Dyjack, National Environmental Health Association;
- Steven Mandernach, Iowa Department of Inspection & Appeals;
- Sandra Eskin, The Pew Charitable Trusts; and
- Kristen Spotz, Grocery Manufacturers Association.
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