Traceability is soon going to be a requirement for pigs raised for slaughter in Canada. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency has written new regulations designed to require pork producers to identify all farmed pigs and farmed wild boars using approved methods and to record and report all movements of pigs from birth or import to slaughter or export. CFIA says new requirements “strengthening Canada’s livestock sector” will protect Canada’s swine herd, and help reopen export markets in the event of an animal disease outbreak. The Government of Canada said mandatory traceability for pigs is being required only after consultations with the swine industry, provinces and territories and other stakeholders. Canada already has mandatory identification systems in place for cattle, bison, and sheep. The new regulations would bring national consistency in the pig sector and build on what is already in place in some provinces. For example, Alberta enhanced its capacity to track animals from farm to slaughter in 2011 with the launch of the Alberta Swine Traceability System. Recently, the Government of Canada introduced the Safe Food for Canadians Act. If accepted, the Act would strengthen and modernize Canada’s food safety system, including elements of livestock traceability. The swine traceability regulations are being introduced through an amendment to the Health of Animals Regulations, Part I, which has been published in the Canada Gazette for public comment. Comments will be accepted until August 13, 2012. For more information on traceability in Canada, visit