A Listeria outbreak that affected more than 50 people was the biggest fish-product-related incident in Germany, according to researchers.

The large listeriosis outbreak with 55 cases affected Germany, Austria, Denmark, and Switzerland during 2020 and 2021. Three people died.

Investigations of food samples identified Listeria monocytogenes from smoked rainbow trout

Continue Reading Large multi-country Listeria outbreak linked to trout

Norway has opted not to change the rules around the sale of unpasteurized, raw milk to protect consumer health.

In 2017, the Ministry of Health and Care Services commissioned the Norwegian Food Safety Authority (Mattilsynet) to prepare a draft regulation that allowed a limited sale of unpasteurized, raw milk and
Continue Reading Norway decides not to change raw milk rules; salmon producers face review

Three European countries have recorded Listeria infections with fish being investigated as the source.

Germany has reported 30 infections and, since November, two people in Austria and one person in Denmark has contracted the same strain of listeriosis.

In Germany, patients were notified and transmitted to the Robert Koch Institute
Continue Reading Germany hit hardest by current Listeria outbreak across Europe

Researchers have looked at the effect of different ripening temperatures and salt concentrations on the growth of Listeria monocytogenes in a traditional Norwegian fermented fish product.

Rakfisk is made from lake trout or arctic char by mild-salting and brine maturation at low temperatures for several months and is eaten without
Continue Reading Researchers report temperature important for controlling Listeria in rakfisk

The United Nations’ FAO and the World Health Organization have found that the risk of histamine development in fish of the Salmonidae family is unlikely to reach the levels needed to cause food poisoning.

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and World Health Organization (WHO) said
Continue Reading FAO and WHO find low risk of histamine poisoning from salmonids

Springfield Smoked Fish Co. has expanded its Listeria-related recall of Smoked Salmon to include an additional brand name, a private label name, and various package sizes, fish meats and cuts, as well as spreads that were distributed nationwide; including online sales, dozens of retail and wholesale establishments and an undisclosed
Continue Reading Springfield expands smoked fish recall to 6 months of products