About a year before Lean Finely Textured Beef, or pink slime, would garner national attention — and outrage among consumers on social media — the product’s maker, Beef Product Inc, paid a visit to the White House. According to visitor logs released by the Obama administration last month, BPI’s CEO
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Safe Tables Our Priority (S.T.O.P.)
Governors Help BPI Wash Ammoniated Beef of ‘Pink Slime’ Image
Three governors, among them recent presidential candidate Rick Perry of Texas, two lieutenant governors, and the Under Secretary for Food Safety at the U.S. Department of Agriculture all went to bat for Beef Products Inc. in a press conference in South Sioux City, Nebraska Thursday to assure consumers that Lean…
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Donley Receives Lifetime Achievement Award
Nancy Donley, president of STOP Foodborne Illness, was presented with the NSF International Lifetime Achievement Award at the 13th Annual Food Safety Summit in Washington, D.C.
NSF International acknowledged Donley’s “extraordinary efforts, outstanding dedication, and endless passion for food safety.”
Donley has been a leading proponent of improvement in…
Name Change for Food Safety Advocacy Group STOP
The national food safety nonprofit organization Safe Tables Our Priority, or S.T.O.P, announced a name change Wednesday — to STOP Foodborne Illness (STOP).
The organization also unveiled a new logo and launched a new website: www.stopfoodborneillness.org.
The simplified name reflects the group’s focused mission, “to prevent Americans from becoming…
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Food Safety: An Interview with Nancy Donley
Discussing the safety of the food we eat with Nancy Donley, president of STOP.
Let me take a heavy and a ragged but deep breath here. This is not an easy subject to write about. Talking about it is even harder. This interview is about the needless death of children…
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Publisher's Platform: Honoring the Victims
In the middle of a late January D.C. snowstorm that jammed intersections, closed airports and made commutes last several hours, Senators Harkin, Klobuchar and Durbin and Representatives Pallone and DeLauro, who were instrumental in pushing the Food Safety Modernization Act onto President Obama’s desk, honored victims, many my clients, of…
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E. coli Victim Runs to Raise Food Safety Awareness
On Wednesday, August 30, 2006. Jillian Kohl, a thrifty graduate student at the time, ate a spinach salad. Several days later the 24-year-old marathon runner began feeling ill and called her mother, who recommended resting.
By Monday, she was passing blood and had to be admitted to the hospital’s intensive…
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Hagen Promises to Declare More STECs Adulterants
Less than a week after being confirmed as Under Secretary for Food Safety at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Dr. Elisabeth Hagen met yesterday with food safety leaders in a meeting organized by former food safety Under Secretary Dr. Richard Raymond to discuss whether non-O157 shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC)…
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Gillibrand to USDA: Regulate Non-O157 E. coli
U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), who is quickly becoming a leading food safety advocate in the Senate, sent a letter to U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack urging the agency to include six additional strains of E. coli as hazardous adulterants that need to be tested by the…
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CSPI: States Need to Improve Reporting
On Wednesday, the Center for Science in the Public Interest(CSPI) called on the states to improve outbreak reporting. “Better reporting of foodborne illness outbreaks could speed recalls and save lives,” CSPI wrote.
According to a recent publication by the PEW Trusts Produce Safety Project, the national cost of foodborne…
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