Three governors, among them recent presidential candidate Rick Perry of Texas, two lieutenant governors, and the Under Secretary for Food Safety at the U.S. Department of Agriculture all went to bat for Beef Products Inc. in a press conference in South Sioux City, Nebraska Thursday to assure consumers that Lean

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Nancy Donley, president of STOP Foodborne Illness, was presented with the NSF International Lifetime Achievement Award at the 13th Annual Food Safety Summit in Washington, D.C.


NSF International acknowledged Donley’s “extraordinary efforts, outstanding dedication, and endless passion for food safety.” 

Donley has been a leading proponent of improvement in

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The national food safety nonprofit organization Safe Tables Our Priority, or S.T.O.P, announced a name change Wednesday — to STOP Foodborne Illness (STOP).

The organization also unveiled a new logo and launched a new website:


The simplified name reflects the group’s focused mission, “to prevent Americans from becoming

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