Researchers have looked at patterns in sporadic Shiga toxin–producing E. coli (STEC) infections in Ireland.

The Republic of Ireland often reports the highest annual incidence rates of STEC in the European Union. There is a high proportion of sporadic STEC infections and they are often associated with environmental exposures.

Continue Reading Studies shine light on Irish E. coli infections, parasites in Peru

A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study has found that international trade of shellfish might be involved in the dispersal of Vibrio parahaemolyticus populations into the United States and Spain. The study found that severe weather, such as El Niño conditions in Peru, provide ideal conditions for the proliferation
Continue Reading Researchers find spread of bacteria in seafood likely impacted by trade

Warning lettersFDAWarningcolor_406x250 recently made public by the Food and Drug Administration addressed food safety violations at seafood processing operations in Portugal and Peru, dirty equipment and insects at a cider production facility in Kansas and improper use of antibiotics by a dairy in Minnesota.

Recipients of FDA warning letters have
Continue Reading FDA warnings: Foreign seafood, Kansas cider, Minnesota dairy

Peru’s unicameral Congress has apparently made a deal.

A new Peruvian consumer code will require that food labels disclose both organic and genetically modified ingredients.  At the same time, a system of technical and scientific evaluations is being set up to allow for entry of genetically modified or transgenic seeds

Continue Reading Peru to Begin Labeling GM Foods