New research suggests that most consumers will accept nanotechnology or genetic modification technology in their food if it will enhance nutrition or improve safety. Researchers at North Carolina State University and the University of Minnesota conducted a nationally representative survey of 1,117 U.S. consumers. It asked about their willingness to
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With controversial issues such as genetically engineered foods, nanotechnology and Pink Slime occupying headlines that leave consumers concerned and food company executives wringing their hands, a panel of food safety experts convened on the second full day of the 2013 IAFP conference to answer a pressing question: How can the
Continue Reading IAFP 2013: Bridging the Gap Between Food Science and Public Perception

Engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) have great potential to benefit animal and human health. But there are uncertainties surrounding the long-term effects of applying ENMs to food and pharmaceutical products consumed by humans and animals. Therefore, in a previous article, I suggested that more regulations should be applied to ENMs in our
Continue Reading Do Nanomaterials Pose Health Risks? What Science Has to Say

Nanotechnology is an innovative science involving the design and application of small-sized particles measuring one hundred nanometers or less. (An average human hair measures 80.000 nanometers in diameter) (1). Most nanomaterials are derived from conventional chemicals. Their miniscule size and large surface area help to enhance their mechanical, electrical, optical
Continue Reading The Need for Stronger Nanotechnology Regulation

Experts in environmental health issues have teamed with major companies to warn food industries to exercise caution when using nano-sized, manmade creations as nutritional additives, flavorings, colorings, or anti-bacterial coatings for packaging.

The safety concerns raised by this rapidly evolving technology have yet to be fully understood, said a report

Continue Reading Caution Urged with Nanoparticles in Food