Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES)

Austrian authorities are investigating an outbreak of Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) infections that has affected a handful of people.

Between September and December 2020, six people fell ill with infections from E. coli O146:H28. Those sick live in five federal states. Two people needed hospital treatment.

As yet, there
Continue Reading Investigators still looking for source of outbreak of E. coli infections in Austria

Three European countries have recorded Listeria infections with fish being investigated as the source.

Germany has reported 30 infections and, since November, two people in Austria and one person in Denmark has contracted the same strain of listeriosis.

In Germany, patients were notified and transmitted to the Robert Koch Institute
Continue Reading Germany hit hardest by current Listeria outbreak across Europe

More than 1,000 product warnings, recalls and notices for food, food contact materials, cosmetics and toys were published in Austria between 2010 and 2019.

The main reasons were residues, microorganisms and contamination by foreign material. Most commonly affected products included toys, cereal products, meat products and dairy.

During this period,
Continue Reading Austria records more than 800 food recalls in past decade