One USDA program is going down to the wire with changes.

The Food Service and inspection Service of the USDA has announced that it is extending its modified poultry line speed waivers so a study measuring the impact of increased line speeds on worker safety could be completed.

The FSIS Modified Poultry Line Speed Waivers to Complete Worker Safety Study is under review.

The FSIS  is extending the modified poultry line speed waiver so the study measuring the impact of increased line speeds on worker safety can be completed.

In July 2022, FSIS announced it was contracting with a team of third-party worker safety experts to conduct a study to measure the impact of increased poultry line speeds on worker safety. The worker safety experts have collected data in New Poultry Inspection System (NPIS) establishments participating under modified line speed waivers, which were set to expire on Nov. 15, 2024.

This extension will allow the worker safety experts to complete and submit the report of their findings.

The National Advisory Committee on Meat and Poultry Inspection (NACMPI) held a virtual public meeting on Sept. 16 and 17, 2024. The transcripts and subcommittee reports from the meeting are available on the FSIS website.

During the meeting, NACMPI reviewed and advised FSIS on whether the agency should change its definitions of establishment sizes to better assess and describe current business operations. The committee also offered input on ways technology could enhance FSIS’s inspection activities. 

NACMPI provides advice to the Secretary of Agriculture concerning state and federal programs concerning meat and poultry inspection and other matters that fall within the scope of the Federal Meat Inspection Act and the Poultry Products Inspection Act.

As announced in previously, as of Nov. 4, 2024, all FSIS meat and poultry product export certificates for products exported to Mexico are generated, issued and officially maintained in FSIS’ Public Health Information System (PHIS). This change excludes certificates for casings and egg products. 

Following the first week of implementation, the FSIS provides a set of updates for stakeholders. The FSIS continues to address the associated IT issues as a top priority and welcomes feedback from the industry on the status of PHIS performance and functionality.

To provide feedback, please get in touch with the FSIS at

Note that specific, not general, information is needed on the issues encountered for the FSIS to pinpoint and address any systems-related issues as quickly as possible. 

As stated in the the FSIS Export Library for Mexico, the industry should be aware of Mexico’s requirement that a printed version of the digitally signed FSIS Form 9060-5 series certificate, including the PHIS-generated watermark (“Approved Certificate—Available for Validation in PHIS”), be printed by establishment personnel with PHIS access and accompany the shipment. 

Since Nov. 4, 2024, no wet-signed 9060-5 series export certificates, including letterhead certificates, are issued for meat and poultry products for export to Mexico. Stakeholders should review the comprehensive update to the FSIS Export Library for Mexico for additional information on PHIS export processes for Mexico, which includes instructions on how and in what order to enter statements and information in the PHIS application for meat and poultry exports to Mexico.

The FSIS has also been notified that nullified original certificates that have been replaced have been presented to Mexico.

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