The Alliance for a Stronger FDA is hosting Center Directors and other FDA senior leaders to discuss their portion of the the president’s Fiscal Year 2025 budget request (documentsanalysis).   

Our food-focused lineup includes Human Foods Program Deputy Commission Jim Jones, Center for Veterinary Medicine Director Tracey Forfa, and Associate Commissioner for Regulatory Affairs Michael Rogers. 

The president’s FY 25 budget request for FDA is substantially less than his FY 24 request. As a result, FDA’s food programs, along with the rest of the agency, are at risk of another lean year. 

Specifically, the president’s FY 24 request for FDA was about $370 million including $105 million in mandatory pay raises. In FY 25, the president’s request is for $170 million including $115 million in mandatory pay raises. 

In both years, food does somewhat better than medical products, but it is against the reality that the program (non-salary) portion of the entire Administration request for FDA has shrunk from $265 million to $55 million. 

So, our FDA speakers should have much to tell us. How are they faring in the current (FY24) fiscal year with flat funding, what are their priorities for FY 25, and what would they do if additional monies were to become available? 

The Alliance expects to have its FY 25 budget “ask” ready for release next week. It will call for dramatically greater funding for FDA and reflect a consensus of stakeholder funding priorities. The Alliance’s advocacy and educational outreach will be focused on gaining Congressional support for our “ask.” 

The webinars (details below), support our efforts to strengthen FDA, and consider becoming members of the Alliance. FDA’s future depends on it. Here are the details: 

  • Human Foods Program (HFP) Deputy Commissioner Jim Jones on Friday, April 5 at 11 a.m. EDT. Register here.
    • Co-moderated by Alison Bodor (American Frozen Food Institute) and Sally Greenberg (National Consumers League).
  • Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) Director Tracey Forfa on Tuesday, April 10 at 1 p.m. EDT. Register here.
    • Co-moderated by Peter Lurie (Center for Science in the Public Interest) and Caitlin Boon (Mars).
  • Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA) Associate Commissioner for Regulatory Affairs Michael Rogers on Wednesday, May 1 at 12:30 p.m. EDT. Register here.
    • Co-moderated by Thomas Gremillion (Consumer Federation of America) and Tom Kraus (American Society of Health-Systems Pharmacists)

Each program will include more than 30 minutes for moderator and audience questions. 

The Alliance is a multi-stakeholder organization with 150+ members devoted to advocating for increased appropriations for the FDA and educating policymakers and the public about the FDA’s expanding mission and growing responsibilities. For more information contact Steven Grossman, Alliance Executive Director at

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