A California seafood importer located in Monterey Park, was, after failing an inspection Oct. 21-22, 2015, the target of a Jan. 29 warning letter from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The agency’s warning letter told the New Ocean Trading (USA) Inc. that the FDA found “serious violations” of the seafood Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) regulation at the importer’s facility. In the warning letter, FDA said “there must be evidence that all fish and fishery products offered for entry into the United States have been processed under conditions that comply with (applicable U.S. laws and regulations).” If such evidence does not exist, FDA’s warning said the seafood importer’s products will be denied entry to the U.S. “You do not have or have not implemented written verification procedures, product specifications, and an affirmative step for ensuring that the fishery products you import are processed in compliance with the Seafood HACCP regulation…” FDA continued. “Specifically, you failed to provide written verification procedures, product specifications, and an affirmative steps for the IQF Frozen Shrimp … Frozen Frog Legs… and Frozen Shrimps PND… For the IQF Frozen Shrimp PND … you failed to provide written verification procedures and product specifications.” Meanwhile, a seafood processing facility in Taiwan, that was inspected Sept. 22-23, 2015, was the target of a Feb. 4 warning letter that was recently made public. It went to the Hochico Marine Processing Company and also concerned violations of seafood HACCP regulations. “Accordingly, your frozen mahi-mahi products are adulterated, in that they have been prepared, packed, or held under conditions whereby they may have been rendered injurious to health,” FDA told the seafood processor in Yian, Taiwan. In the warning letter, FDA spelled out several options for how the company could correct “significant deviations “ in its seafood HACCP plan. (To sign up for a free subscription to Food Safety News, click here.)