Another 41 confirmed or probable cases of E. coli O104:H4 infection were counted in Europe Friday, increasing the outbreak toll to 3,908, including 765 with hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS).

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) reported that three previously counted deaths have been subtracted from the total, lowering it to 41 fatalities.

The World Health Organization’s outbreak tally differs from that of the ECDC. WHO counts 53 deaths and more than 4,000 illnesses in 14 European countries, the United States and Canada — with more than 3,900 infections in Germany.

The outbreak continues to wind down, with the last known date of illness onset July 8, the ECDC said.

The organic farm in Bienenb√ºttel that sprouted the Egyptian fenugreek seeds implicated as the source of the outbreak in Germany had threatened a lawsuit to allow its operations to resume, according to Deutsche-Press Agentur.  Local authorities removed all fenugreek seeds from the sprout farm and this week cleared it to reopen.