Editor’s note: This column and profiles of the 16 food safety champions (four not pictured above) was originally published by Quality Assurance magazine. It is reprinted here with permission. To read profiles of the individual food safety professionals referenced in the column, please click here.

By Steven Mandernach, executive
Continue Reading 30 years of food safety standouts


By Joe Reardon, Senior Director of Food Safety Programs, National Association of State Departments of Agriculture

The American Frozen Food Institute (AFFI) and the International Fresh Produce Association (IFPA), along with FMI – The Food Industry Association (FMI); the National Restaurant Association (NRA); and the National Association

Continue Reading Risk-based science should drive food safety policy

Editor’s note: This column was originally posted by Growing Produce. To subscribe, visit https://www.growingproduce.com/subscribe/

“What do you think was different this season?” While not the first question that needs to be asked when facing a product recall or being implicated in a foodborne illness outbreak, that question generally
Continue Reading Industry can use outbreak reports to decide on food safety programs

PHOENIX — With the Food Safety Modernization Act and other Food and Drug Administration regulations guiding  growing and processing of fresh produce, it’s common for companies in the supply chain to have a compliance-driven mindset.

To Drew McDonald, vice president of quality and food safety for Taylor Farms, Salinas, CA,
Continue Reading Let data drive the food safety process, and share knowledge with the industry


It goes without saying that the current crisis response situation to SARS-CoV-2 (coronavirus) has and will continue to dominate our conversations and activities for some time to come. The economic, social, and emotional impacts across the produce supply chain have been monumental but also asymmetric in the specific effects
Continue Reading Keep your attention on routine produce safety practices during pandemic

Editor’s note: Trevor Suslow, currently vice president for Produce Safety at the Produce Marketing Association and formerly with the University of California-Davis where he did extensive research with postharvest produce and freshcut produce,  wrote this letter to members of the fresh produce industry earlier this week. It is reprinted

Continue Reading Romaine confusion and clarity from the produce industry perspective

Along with feedlot dust blowing in the wind and surface irrigation water flowing adjacent to feedlots, flies captured in leafy greens plots near feedlots are capable of transferring E. coli from animal operations to produce fields.

Set for publication in August in the “Journal of Food Protection,” new research from
Continue Reading Researchers confirm flies can transfer E. coli from feedlots to produce fields