A 70-page petition making over 200 scientific citations to the Environmental Protection Agency seeks immediate suspension of the herbicide glyphosate, the main ingredient in the famous Roundup weed killer.

The San Francisco-based Center for Food Safety filed the petition to EPA on behalf of itself, Beyond Pesticides, and four farmworker

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Its critics say the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has “doubled down” on the active ingredient in Roundup, the popular weed killer.

But that’s probably an overstatement.

On April 30 the EPA changed Roundup’s label requirements with suggested application measures to reduce glyphosate drift and disclosure about herbicide resistance. New instructions
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Europe’s gardeners and farmers probably won’t have their Monsanto Roundup weed killer or other similar herbicides taken away from them now that the influential European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has found that the ingredient glyphosate is unlikely to cause cancer in humans. Glyphosate, which has been around since the 1970s,
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