Food safety-conscious consumers want a “Made in the USA” label they can trust, according to survey research conducted during the past decade. But for beef and pork products, it’s not possible to trust statements about the origin because the Mandatory Country of Origin Law (MCOOL) was repealed by Congress in

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A group of cattle ranchers is pushing hard for reforms on country-of-origin-labeling, known as COOL, and the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture says he is already working on the situation.

R-CALF United Stockgrowers of America is out with a new poll of voters that the group says shows “overwhelming” support for

Continue Reading USDA secretary says he is working on ‘made in the USA’ labeling for beef; cattlemen want faster action

The U.S. Supreme Court does not see any reason to review the Beef Check-off.

It’s a victory for USDA and the nation’s largest beef organization.

Since its creation by the 1985 Farm Bill, the Checkoff has assessed A $1 per head fee on selling all live and domestic cattle. The

Continue Reading SCOTUS isn’t reviewing the “Beef, It’s What’s for Dinner,” Checkoff Program

Livestock producers represented by the Billings, MT cattlemen’s group known as R-CALF say they have a  “right” to use “traditional low-cost methods related to animal identification and traceability.” 

But USDA’s Animal Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) with growing support from such industry leaders as Tyson Foods wants to soon require
Continue Reading Federal court in Wyoming asked to block RFID technology

Out of their concern for food safety and their tendency to support American producers, consumers have long supported Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) of meat products.

But those “Made in the USA” signs and labels have been missing or suspect ever since Congress bowed in 2015 to the World Trade
Continue Reading Perdue takes the ‘Made in USA’ beef labeling option over country of origin


Dear Editor,

I like your recent post Letter From the Editor on Counting Cows.

Don’t forget Canada who is the USA’s largest trading partner in beef (reciprocal trading too) is also very capable of tracing back to original farms and the animals – we have the best technology in

Continue Reading Letter to the Editor: Why is R-CALF so upset? Just do it — count the cows