Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI)

The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) has submitted comments to the FDA regarding the Reagan-Udall Foundation’s preliminary report on antimicrobial use monitoring.

This past spring, the Food and Drug Administration commissioned the Reagan-Udall Foundation to explore how the agency could collect antimicrobial usage data from farms to

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A year ago the Center for Science in the Public Interest urged the Food and Drug Administration to protect consumers from unprocessed poppy seeds contaminated with naturally occurring opiate residues. In a regulatory petition filed along with medical experts and six families injured by contaminated poppy
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– Opinion –

In recent days, the Food and Drug Administration released the 2020 Summary Report on Antimicrobials Sold or Distributed for Use in Food-Producing Animals, which showed sales levels close to those from recent years. These data have been compiled annually since 2011 as part of a regulatory
Continue Reading FDA report on antimicrobial sales for use in food animals lacking some specifics

Twenty-two months after a petition was filed requesting that USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) declare certain “outbreak” serotypes of Salmonella to be per se adulterants in meat and poultry,  the government is still thinking about it.

Rachel Edelstein, Assistant Administrator for the FSIS Office of Policy and Program
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The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) is continuing to expand “Evidence Hub” an online resource that helps clinicians, researchers, journalists and others quickly find vetted sources of information on COVID-19. 

In the midst of this COVID-19 pandemic, misinformation has spread rapidly and the need for
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Two consumer groups want to see government and industry do something instead of nothing when it comes to keeping certain bacteria out of Americans’ diets via contaminated poultry.

The groups’ leaders say they don’t want to dictate what the regulators and industry do, they just want results, which they say
Continue Reading Watchdogs on patrol; seeking safer poultry through preventive controls