The CDC has declared that a Salmonella Weltevreden outbreak traced to imported shrimp is over.
According to an update from the Food and Drug Administration the implicated shrimp from Avanti Frozen Foods, which was recalled June 25, should no longer be available at retail, but there is concern that consumers may still have it in their homes.
The outbreak sickened at least six people in two states, Arizona and Nevada, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The most recent patient became ill on April 25. Two patients were so sick that they had to be admitted to hospitals. No one died.
“. . . these products have a long shelf life, and consumers, restaurants, and retailers should check their freezers and should throw away any recalled shrimp. Anyone who received recalled shrimp should use extra vigilance in cleaning and sanitizing any surfaces that may have come in contact with the recalled product, to reduce the risk of cross contamination,” according to the FDA outbreak investigation update.
On Jan. 26 an import sample of Avanti Frozen Foods shrimp was collected as a routine part of the FDA’s Imported Seafood Compliance Program. Analysis of the sample showed the presence of Salmonella Weltevreden. At the time, there were no known associated illnesses or closely related isolates of this strain.
In March, as a result of the positive test, this shipment was refused admission into the U.S. and was destroyed, and the importing firm was added to Import Alert 16-81, which allows the FDA to detain product without physical examination due to the presence of Salmonella.
In April three clinical isolates collected from ill people were reported to be closely related to the isolates collected from the import sample.
As of June 25, there were six clinical isolates from ill people that are genetic matches to the Salmonella collected from the import sample.
Five of the six ill people were interviewed to determine the foods they ate before becoming sick, and all five ill people report eating shrimp. Based on purchase locations and purchase dates available for four ill people, FDA’s traceback investigation identified a common shipment of shrimp that could have been consumed by ill people. The product from this shipment was all sold thawed at retail. This thawed product is past expiration and no longer available for sale.
The recalled shrimp was sold under the brand names of Censea, Hannaford, Open Acres, Waterfront Bistro, Honest Catch, COS, 365, and Meijer.
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