Connecticut is the first U.S. state to pass a law requiring the labeling of genetically modified food. The liberal internet environmental news magazine Grist summed up the law when it was passed Tuesday: “Connecticut will label GMOs if you do too,” Grist reported. While tied to what other states do, Connecticut did this week become the first state to adopt a law that could result in labeling genetically modified food. After the bill sailed through the Legislature with a unanimous vote in the senate and a lopsided 134-to-3 vote in he House, Democratic Governor Danile Malloy said he’ll be signing it. As Grist put it, “quite a crucial catch” is that the Connecticut law will not take effect until at least four other states adopt similar measures and one of those states must border the Constitution State. After 37 labeling measures aimed at genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food were introduced in 21 states, the movement was in bad need of a win and it is loudly claiming the victory in Hartford. “Connecticut’s victory marks an important step in the national movement for GE labeling, and signifies growing support for the consumer right-to-know,” said Scott Faber, Executive Director of Just Label It. Since the surprising defeat of Proposition 37 in California last November, the national campaign to label foods with GMOs had won only one other victory — putting Initiative 522 on the ballot in Washington State through a so-called Initiative to the Legislature. Voters in the Evergreen State will decide on that measure in November because lawmakers in Olympia opted to do nothing with it. The Just Label It campaign says that food with GMOs are labeled in 64 countries around the world, including the countries in the European Union. It says the campaign includes 650 diverse organizations that have come together around agreement that consumes have a “right to know” what’s in their food.