A New York City-based company is recalling dried bream fish imported from Russia because the fish was processed in a way that puts it at risk for Clostridium botulinum contamination. Euphoria Fancy Foods Inc. of Brooklyn issued a voluntary recall of the dried bream after a routine inspection by state officials revealed that the fish had not been properly eviscerated. Evisceration, or complete removal of the gut, is required under New York State Agriculture and Markets regulations because Clostridium botulinum spores are most likely to be concentrated in the fish’s intestine. Botulism – the illness caused by Clostridium botulinum bacteria – can lead to paralysis and in some cases death. The DRIED BREAM subject to recall was distributed nationwide in un-coded, 7.5 ounce vacuum packed plastic bags. The UPC number is 7 930042 250954. The product was imported from Russia. No illnesses have been associated with consumption of the recalled product. Consumers are urged not to eat the dried bream, and to return it to its place of purchase. The company is available to answer questions about the recall at 718-768-3400. Symptoms of botulism include blurred or double vision, weakness, difficulty swallowing and respiratory paralysis. Paralysis caused by botulinum neurotoxins generally begins at the top of the body in the face and progresses downward. If you think you may have botulism, contact your healthcare provider.