On behalf of everyone at Food Safety News, please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused by the outages we experienced during the past 24 hours.
Beginning shortly before midnight Eastern Time Monday, and continuing for several hours Tuesday, Food Safety News was not available for technical reasons. Late Monday Amazon rebooted selected Amazon Web Services server instances without providing advance notice to our site host or network monitoring service. The result was that our site and its backup were largely unavailable on December 13. The stories posted Tuesday remain on the site, in case you missed them.
We have been notified that Amazon plans to reboot additional server instances over the next 7 days. We’re told Food Safety News should not be impacted.
Our last break in service came last April when Food Safety News was part of the Amazon “cloud crash” that affected many well-known websites, including the Netflix site.
Many of us on the Food Safety News team and our technical service providers spent a sleepless night. We hope this was a one-time event that won’t be repeated.
As always, we welcome your feedback and are grateful for your patience, understanding and support.
Suzanne Schreck
Web Producer