Evaluation of a safe food handling campaign in Australia found knowledge improved but there was limited impact on behavior.

Researchers assessed if the Western Australian ‘Play it Food Safe’ campaign led to long-term change in safe food handling knowledge and behavior among consumers. 

Almost 700 participants took part in a

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Believing in certain food safety myths may increase the risk of illness, according to a study.

Researchers looked at how misinformed unscientific beliefs and the consequences of lacking science-based food safety knowledge could impact health.

Many people in the UK, Germany, and Norway believe in food safety myths but views

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A survey in the Netherlands has found more than a quarter of people wash raw chicken, which public health officials say increases the chances of spreading bacteria.

Results come from two surveys by the Netherlands Nutrition Centre (Voedingscentrum) with the Dutch population about safe food handling.

The first survey in
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Although many people know that washing poultry is not a good way of preventing foodborne illness, a recent study found that it might be more dangerous than most realize because it can lead to dangerous cross contamination.

The study from North Carolina State University on the impact of poultry washing
Continue Reading New study looks at the dangers of washing poultry; 25 percent contaminated their salad