
Editor’s note: This guest column was written by Senior Director of Health and Food Erik Olson and Interim Food Director Lena Brook of the Natural Resources Defense Council. (In an earlier version of this post, FSN incorrectly identified the NRDC. The acronym stands for Natural Resources Defense Council.)

Continue Reading When lettuce becomes unhealthy, it’s time to rethink food safety in the U.S.

The USDA is today publishing a notice in the Federal Register to further delay and reconsider new mandates for handling and transporting livestock and providing avian “living conditions” for poultry raised as organic food.

Without the action, the new requirements under the National Organic Program would have taken effect today.
Continue Reading USDA delays Obama’s organic livestock standards for review

Every hour of every day people around the world are living with and working to resolve food safety issues. Here is a sampling of current headlines for your consumption, brought to you today with the support of iwaspoisoned.com.

Food safety tips for diabetics
As November is National Diabetes Month,
Continue Reading FSN Briefly