The new U.S.-Mexico-Canada-Agreement, USMCA contains food safety provisions not unlike the North American Free Trade Agreement it seeks to replace, but not the kind of changes some wanted.

Fulfilling one of President Donald J. Trump’s campaign promises, news that trade ministers from the U.S., Mexico and Canada had reached an
Continue Reading New U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade deal maintains status quo on food safety

Food standards and safety after the United Kingdom exits the European Union next year have been put under the spotlight again by the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health and Food Research Collaboration.

The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) and Lord Steven Bassam of the Labor party criticized the government
Continue Reading Post-Brexit food safety under scrutiny by CIEH and FRC

map-North-America_406x250The World Trade Organization (WTO) has authorized Canada and Mexico to charge the U.S. $1 billion in retaliatory tariffs for country-of-origin labeling (COOL) on meat. Last spring, WTO rejected a U.S. appeal of its decision that COOL unfairly discriminates against meat imports and gives the advantage to domestic meat products.
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Pacific-map_406x250The full text of the Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership (TPP) was released last week, and after initial reviews of the proposed treaty, concerns raised by food safety advocates during the negotiations have not been mollified. Debbie Barker, International Programs Director for the Center for Food Safety, says the predominant issues with
Continue Reading Food Safety Groups Oppose Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership

COOLabel_406x250Last week, the United States Trade Representative (USTR) filed a legal brief in the World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute over mandatory country-of-origin labeling (COOL), arguing that the $3 billion sought by Canada and Mexico in retaliatory tariffs are a dramatic overestimation of damages. The U.S. requested that the WTO Arbitrator
Continue Reading USTR Tells WTO That COOL Damages Are Much Lower Than Estimated

fishfraud_406The Presidential Task Force on Combating Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing and Seafood Fraud has released its final action plan for implementing the 15 recommendations issued in December. The plan, unveiled Sunday at the Seafood Expo North America in Boston, includes measures to create and expand domestic partnerships to
Continue Reading Presidential Task Force Releases Seafood Fraud Final Action Plan