Factors such as the seller and the product type influence consumer trust in the hygiene and safety of food sold online, according to research.

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) commissioned research to understand consumer attitudes toward buying food online, including the perceived risks.

Findings come from 12 online discussion groups

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The U.K.’s Food Standards Agency (FSA) has reportedly been systematically checking for Twitter hashtags such as #sick and #barf in order to identify potential foodborne illness outbreaks. According to the agency’s chief scientific adviser, FSA is working with the National Health Service to monitor certain tweets via special software as
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Social media platforms such as Yelp and Twitter have significantly altered the online landscape for restaurants. Now anyone with an Internet connection and an opinion can broadcast their thoughts to others interested in visiting. But what if public health officials could use Yelp and Twitter to track people mentioning foodborne
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“With the ubiquitous nature of social media in current society, health and food safety risk communicators should be taking advantage of these platforms to provide information and engage the public,” reads a recent article in the journal Perspectives in Public Health. To help health information providers navigate social media, researchers
Continue Reading How Health and Food Safety Risk Communicators Can Engage Social Media