Pennsylvania State Rep. Natalie Mihalek has introduced House Bill 2116, to prohibit certain substances in food in the state.

Today, Rep. Mihalek, Rep. Melissa Shusterman, and Sen. Devlin Robinson are hosting a press conference on this legislation. Pennsylvania is the fourth state to consider such legislation after California, New York

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With Valentine’s Day on its way, thoughts are turning to love . . . and chocolate.

For many, dark chocolate is the chocolate of choice, and those who prefer dark chocolate will quickly tell you it’s healthier than milk chocolate. Why? Because studies suggest that its rich supply of antioxidants

Continue Reading Dark chocolate and red dye can be a problem in some Valentine’s Day treats

In the current issue of its “On Health” newsletter, Consumer Reports calls on its member to sign a petition about one of its older causes.

The formal petition was submitted to FDA by the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) and it was supported by a number of

Continue Reading Consumer Reports promotes petition to FDA to ban Red Dye No. 3, the artificial color, in food