PETA has filed new comments to an old petition to USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service, seeking to have more criminal charges filed against a business previously found to have violated the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act.

The new comments are associated with a petition PETA and other animal activists

Continue Reading PETA campaigning for criminal prosecution of packing plant in petition

USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) and the Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) renewed a cooperative agreement with a formal signing on Aug.1.

The FSIS workforce is viewed as critical to the day-to-day oversight and inspection operations for meat, poultry, and egg products at the

Continue Reading USDA gets employee safety training and OSHA gets access to food facilities under new MOU

This year marks 25 years since FSIS issued its landmark final rule, “Pathogen Reduction/Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (PR/HACCP),” issued in the summer of 1996.

“Food safety is an ever-evolving process,” said FSIS Administrator Paul Kiecker, who began his agency career as an inspector in a food processing

Continue Reading 25 years later FSIS final rule on pathogen reduction still making a difference

Mindy Brashears, the fifth in history confirmed USDA Under Secretary for Food Safety, said goodbye to her consumer, government and industry stakeholders January 14.

Her political appointment as the federal government’s top food safety official expired a week later on Inauguration Day, ending her two-year tenure, including 303 days as
Continue Reading How the food safety transition went, according to the public calendars

Food safety attorney Bill Marler wants to know what’s up with his petition calling on the USDA to declare specific “outbreak serotypes” of Salmonella as adulterants in meat.

He filed the petition more than a year ago, on Jan. 19, 2020, with USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), on
Continue Reading Marler renews call for declaring ‘outbreak serotypes’ of Salmonella as adulterants in meat and poultry

Changes in federal food safety policy and personnel are occurring with the new Biden Administration — officials are talking about some, but not others.

They left it to Sara Amundson, president of the Humane Society Legislative Fund to announce that the Biden government has officially withdrawn a pending rule by
Continue Reading Federal food safety policy and personnel changes underway at FSIS, FDA, and CDC

ROSEMONT, IL — Yesterday’s Food Safety Summit’s annual Town Hall Q&A featured top regulators and agency leaders from FDA, USDA, AFDO and CDC. They talked about their agency’s work during the past year, with a special focus on how their work has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Frank Yiannas

Continue Reading Leaders speak about how their agencies have responded in the wake of the pandemic


The Meat & Poultry Daily News recently did a question and answer session with Paul Kiecker, USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service Administrator since last March 12.  It’s worth reading in its entirety at M&P,  and I am going to steal some quotes here.

Kiecker certainly deserves the attention
Continue Reading Letter from the Editor: Kiecker speaks out after rising to the top as FSIS Administrator