Its critics say the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has “doubled down” on the active ingredient in Roundup, the popular weed killer.

But that’s probably an overstatement.

On April 30 the EPA changed Roundup’s label requirements with suggested application measures to reduce glyphosate drift and disclosure about herbicide resistance. New instructions
Continue Reading Glyphosate use may be OK on farms, gardens, but Bayer may pay for it


Editor’s note: This guest column was written by Senior Director of Health and Food Erik Olson and Interim Food Director Lena Brook of the Natural Resources Defense Council. (In an earlier version of this post, FSN incorrectly identified the NRDC. The acronym stands for Natural Resources Defense Council.)

Continue Reading When lettuce becomes unhealthy, it’s time to rethink food safety in the U.S. week, officials at Subway said that the fast-food chain plans to switch to chicken raised without antibiotics by next year, but antibiotic preservationists are frustrated by the lack of details from the company. The Natural Resources Defense Council, Keep Antibiotics Working, U.S. PIRG, Center for Food Safety, Food Animals
Continue Reading Details Sought About Subway’s Switch to Antibiotic-Free Chicken giant McDonald’s announced Wednesday that, within two years, all of the chicken served at its 14,000 U.S. restaurants will come from farms which raised the birds without medically important antibiotics. The move could help limit the overuse of antibiotics in agriculture which contributes to an increase in antibiotic-resistant bugs
Continue Reading McDonald’s Plans to Phase Out Chicken Fed Medically Important Antibiotics