Meat thermometer ownership is growing but raw and rare meat consumption is increasing, according to an Australian charity.

The Food Safety Information Council conducts consumer research to see how Australians are doing in certain areas related to food safety.

Almost one in three surveyed have a meat thermometer at home

Continue Reading Meat safety and handwashing featured on an Australian report card

The cost of food is the main concern for people this Christmas but safety is still important, according to a survey.

Research from safefood revealed that almost 4 in 10 people in Ireland are concerned about getting Christmas dinner right. The group safefood promotes food safety and nutrition in Northern

Continue Reading Cost tops Christmas concerns but safety is still listed as an important aspect

Consumer practices for monitoring doneness of cooked chicken are not always safe, according to a recent study.

Researchers surveyed 3,969 households in France, Norway, Portugal, Romania, and the United Kingdom on their personal chicken cooking practices. They also interviewed and observed these practices in 75 additional households in the same
Continue Reading Study finds chicken cooking advice ignored by vast majority of consumers

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has issued advice to prevent food poisoning over the holidays while Public Health England (PHE) has warned about norovirus.

There are an estimated 1 million food poisoning cases a year in the United Kingdom. It can have serious consequences, especially for children, those already in
Continue Reading FSA and PHE issue advice to prevent foodborne illnesses during the holidays