This year saw the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issue notices on 11 multi-state foodborne illness outbreaks, ranging from ground beef to strawberries.

The Food and Drug Administration’s Coordinated Outbreak Response and Evaluation Network (CORE) investigated 28 outbreaks, with three of those investigations remaining open as of Dec.

Continue Reading Select outbreaks posted by CDC and FDA sickened hundreds in 2022

The FDA won’t comment on a key element in its investigation into the conditions at a peanut butter plant linked to an outbreak of infections from Salmonella Senftenberg.

Warning letters are routinely sent to companies after inspections turn up deficiencies or illegal conditions at food facilities, especially if the problems

Continue Reading The federal agency won’t say if it sent a warning letter to makers of Jif peanut butter

According to documents from the Food and Drug Administration, the agency received hundreds of complaints about illnesses related to Jif peanut butter and an outbreak of Salmonella infections earlier this year.

However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported only 21 confirmed patients across 17 states in its official

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A decade of inspections at J.M. Smucker Company’s production facility in Lexington, KY, leaves questions about how Salmonella found its way into products and spread to consumers.

This May, the outbreak strain of Salmonella Senftenberg was found in the J.M. Smucker Company’s production facility in Lexington, KY. 

On July 27

Continue Reading A look at over 10 years of Smucker’s Kentucky facility’s inspections

The CDC has declared that an outbreak of infections from Salmonella Senftenberg in Jif peanut butter is over, and the FDA  investigation has been closed.

The outbreak had 21 patients confirmed infected across 17 states. Four people required hospitalization. No deaths were reported, according to the Centers for Disease Control

Continue Reading CDC says 17-state Jif peanut butter Salmonella outbreak is over

The Food and Drug Administration is continuing to investigate several food-related outbreaks of infections, with patient numbers slowly increasing.

Sources of pathogens behind the outbreak infections have not been identified in five of nine outbreaks under investigation.

One outbreak of infections from E. coli O157:H7 has been declared over with

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Federal officials are investigating a new outbreak of infections from Listeria monocytogenes but have not released any specific information.

The Food and Drug Administration announced the outbreak investigation in its weekly update, indicating that a source of the pathogen has not been identified. 

Ten people have been confirmed as patients

Continue Reading No details on new outbreak of Listeria infections; FDA working on other outbreaks

The Food and Drug Administration is investigating a new outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 infections, but little information has been released.

Ten patients have been identified in the E. coli outbreak, but no information has been released about where they live or what their ages are.

The FDA reports that

Continue Reading FDA investigating new outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 infections; 10 people sick

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From peanut butter cups to chicken salad, recalls caused by J.M. Smucker Co.’s peanut butter recall keep coming.

Peanut butter is a product uniquely positioned to cause a cascade of secondary recalls. Businesses use the recalled peanut butter to make chocolate products, sandwiches, snack packs, fudge, dog
Continue Reading Peanut butter related recalls keep on rolling as Salmonella outbreak investigation continues