Two U.S. states and one European country are banning manufacturing, selling, and distributing cultivated meat and poultry products. Italy enacted a ban last year, and Florida and Alabama enacted their laws on the books in only the last few days.

The bans were enacted after the robust cultivated meat industry

Continue Reading Little to be found, but the lab-grown meat products are subject to bans

A coalition of physicians, scientists, and public health and environmental organizations Thursday sent a formal petition to the Food and Drug Administration calling on the agency to rescind its approvals for bisphenol A (BPA) in adhesives and coatings and set strict limits on its use in plastics that contact food.
Continue Reading Groups petition FDA to restrict bisphenol A in food packaging for harmful effects

No one knew acrylamide even existed until it was discovered in 2002. It’s been around close to forever, though. Awareness of the chemical raised a problem. It is “reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen,” according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. At high doses in laboratory animals, acrylamide
Continue Reading Firms rush to market with acrylamide control product ahead of new regs

There were an average of 100 food and waterborne outbreaks per week in Europe, according to the 2017 zoonoses report.

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) report also found the agent was unknown in 37.6 percent of all outbreaks.

Continue Reading ECDC: Average of 100 outbreaks per week in 2017

Five European food safety agencies have met to practice response to an emergency food safety incident.

The Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) of Germany, Economic and Food Safety Authority (ASAE) in Portugal, Spanish Agency for Consumer Affairs, Food Safety and Nutrition (AECOSAN), UK Food Standards Agency
Continue Reading EU agencies practice response to multi-country foodborne outbreak

Seventeen food isolates matching the Salmonella outbreak strain linked to 147 illnesses were detected earlier this year in four plants of one company and the site of a different firm in the United Kingdom.

The Salmonella Agona food isolates were found to be closely genetically related to the human strains.
Continue Reading Cucumber Salmonella outbreak strain isolated from four sites of UK company

The government in Catalonia has decided to allow the direct sale of raw cow’s milk from producers to consumers.

The regulation sets production, sanitary, transport, labelling, handling and packaging requirements that must be met when selling unpasteurized milk. Authorities from the region in Spain said it applies to livestock farms
Continue Reading Catalonia OKs sales of raw milk; all of Spain may follow suit