Many Americans don’t get enough of the vitamins and minerals they should, but the Environmental Working Group (EWG) is now concerned that children and other vulnerable populations are exposed to excessive and unhealthy amounts in the foods they eat. The EWG report out Tuesday highlighted the levels of vitamin A,
Continue Reading How Much is Too Much? Report on Fortified Foods Tries to Answer That Question

Last month, I participated in an important panel at a childhood obesity conference to discuss the current strategy backed by some advocacy groups: asking industry to market “healthier” foods to children. But as Susan Linn and I recently argued, any marketing to children is harmful, regardless of the product’s
Continue Reading Nutrition Standards Won't Fix Big Food's Worst Child Marketing Tactics

More than 90 percent of kids’ meals offered by the nation’s chain restaurants fail to meet the National Restaurant Association’s definition of a healthy meal for children, according to new study released Thursday by the Center for Science in the Public Interest. Researchers analyzed 3,498 meal combinations on kids’ menus
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Choosing healthy food is complicated for consumers when they are faced with conflicting recommendations. In the case of the healthiest foods – fruits and vegetables – the choice should be very easy. Consumers simply should be eating more. Whether organically or conventionally grown, consumers can choose either with confidence. Unfortunately,
Continue Reading For Fruits and Veggies, the Choice Should Be Easy