UNIDO and the Foundation FSSC have signed an agreement to promote food safety in low- and middle-income countries.

The partnership between the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the non-profit that manages the FSSC 22000 certification is to run for an initial period of three years.

The aim is

Continue Reading UNIDO and FSSC hope to reduce foodborne disease; ISO updates standards

Food safety has been chosen as the theme of World Accreditation Day in June.

The global annual initiative on June 9, established by the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) and International Accreditation Forum (IAF), promotes accreditation including some related to food safety issues.

This year’s theme focuses on how such
Continue Reading Food safety will be theme of World Accreditation Day 2020

A Kenyan-based technology food distribution platform is to receive help to boost food safety practices and ensure traceability of produce from the farm to consumers.

The International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, signed an agreement with Twiga Foods to apply global quality certification to food
Continue Reading World Bank Group supports projects to improve African food safety

Kosher food is big business. There are more than ten thousand kosher-producing companies in the United States alone, making more than 135,000 kosher products for over twelve million American consumers who purchase kosher food because it is kosher. Only 8 percent of kosher consumers, however, are religious Jews. Most kosher
Continue Reading Kosher Certification: A Model for Improving Private Food Safety Audits