By Ben Chapman and Don Schaffner

We spend a lot of time talking about food safety risks to various stakeholders, including consumers. As co-hosts of “Risky or Not”, we know food safety issues are rarely that simple, although we do our best. Explaining complexities, putting risk into context

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By Jennifer McEntire, Founder, Food Safety Strategy

“I am confident in the safety of the food I eat.” Five years ago, only one-third of U.S. consumers strongly agreed with this statement. While they held the government primarily responsible for food safety, followed by food companies and farmers, when it came

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TORONTO – Using crowdsourced data for foodborne outbreak investigations can work but poses a number of challenges, according to a session at the International Association for Food Protection (IAFP) conference.

Jennifer Beal, from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Laura Gieraltowski, from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and

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Researchers have found that tara flour was the culprit in an outbreak of hundreds of illnesses associated with Daily Harvest French Lentil & Leek crumbles.

The researchers from the University of Mississippi discovered that a component of tara flour, which is made from the seeds of a plant grown in

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The change of seasons can bring a chance of snow for some and a chance of viruses for even more. Sharing time, meals and close spaces from Thanksgiving weekend through New Year’s Day all too often means sharing bugs, which don’t discriminate.

Although they’re the last living creatures on any
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