Adam Bros. Farming Inc. of Santa Maria, California “out of an abundance of caution” has recalled red leaf lettuce, green leaf lettuce and cauliflower harvested this year from Nov. 27 through Nov 30 for it may be contaminated with E. Coli O157: H7.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Dec. 13 said its traceback in the ongoing E. coli outbreak linked to romaine lettuce led investigators to the Adams Bros. farm in Santa Barbara, CA. However, romaine lettuce is not on the recall list.
The recall was initiated after it was discovered that sediment from a reservoir near where the produce was grown tested positive for E. coli O157: H7.
Filtered and treated water from the reservoir may have come in contact with the product after it was harvested. None of the filtered, treated water has tested positive for E. coli, all E. coli tests returning negative.
This bacteria may cause a diarrheal illness from which most healthy adults can recover completely within a week. Some people can develop a form of kidney failure called Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS). HUS is most likely to occur in young children and the elderly. The condition can lead to severe kidney damage and even death.
Adams Bros. says none of the recalled product has tested positive for E. coli O157: H7 and no illnesses have been reported.
The California grower said it issued the recall in cooperation with the FDA. The recall involves produce harvested from particular fields. It does not include all of Adam Bros. Farming, Inc.’s products.
As of Dec 13, Adam Bros. Farming Inc. has notified its affected customers of all product that was recalled, asking that the product not be eaten, sold, or transferred. Furthermore, Adam Bros. requested that its customers notify the downline chain of custody to ensure a full recall.
Cauliflower was distributed to wholesalers in AZ, CA, IL, LA, MD, NC, NJ, NY, OH, PA. Tijuana, Mexico, and Canada; red and green leaf lettuce was distributed to wholesalers in CA, CO, OR, TX, PA, WA, and Canada; red leaf lettuce only was distributed to a wholesaler in MN, and Tijuana, Mexico.
Recalled product may be identified as follows:
Red Leaf Lettuce – Adam Bros. Family Farms Label: Carton Tag Numbers:
204-27245 331-18, 253-27267 331-18, 204-27267 331-18, 203-27267 331-18,
253-27267 332- 18, 204-27267 332-18
Pallet Tag Numbers:
1635983,1635984,163 5985,635986,1635988,1635989,1635990,1635991,
1636121,1636173,1636174,1636175,1636176,1636177,1636178,163 6179,
1636238,1636239,163 6240, 1636241,1636242,1636243,1636297,1636298,
1636299,1636300,1636301,1636302,1636303,163 6304,
1636382,1636492,163 6493, 1636494,1636495,1636496,1636497,1636498,
Green Leaf Lettuce – Adam Bros. Family Farms Label: Carton Tag Numbers:
204-27247 331-18, 253-27268 331-18, 204-27268 331-18, 204-27268 331-18,
204-27268 332- 18
Pallet Tag Numbers:
1635851,163 5872, 1635873,1635874,1635875,1635876,1635877,1635878,1635879,
1635880,1635881,1635951,163 5952,
1635964,163 5965, 1635966,1635967,1635968,1635969,1635970,1635971,1635972,
1635973,1635974,1635975,163 5976, 1636062,1636063,1636064,1636065,1636066,
1636071,163 6101, 1636102,1636103,1636112,1636113,1636114,1636115,1636116,1636117,
1636118,1636119,163 6180,
1636374,1636375,1636501,163 6502,
Cauliflower – Adam Bros. Family Farms Label: Carton Tag Numbers:
203-27263 331-18, 203-27263 333-18, 203-27263 334-18, 204-27268 332-18,
203-27268 334- 18, 203-27263 332-18, 203-27263 334-18
Pallet Tag Numbers:
1636076,1636140,163 6141, 1636142,1636143,1636307,1636308,1636309,
1636310,1636314,1636593,1636594,1636595,163 6596,
,1636718,1636719,1636720,163 6924,
,1635887,1636077,163 6078, 1636144,1636145,1636311,1636312,1636602,
1636721,1636722,163 6928,
1636146,1636313,1636606,163 6607, 1636723,1636930,1637050,1637174
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