India’s popular actor/director Kamal Hassan was admitted for food poisoning to the private Apollo Hospital early Tuesday in Chennai on the Bay of Bengal. His manager told Indian media that Kamal was “perfectly fine” and that his release within 24 hours was expected. He had apparently developed symptoms of food poisoning early Tuesday morning. Kamal, 59, who has appeared in more than 200 films, is currently shooting a Tamil production entitled “Papanasam.” In addition to acting, he is known for writing, directing, and producing for both film and television. Food poisoning is caused by consuming food that is contaminated by a bacteria, usually Salmonella, E. coli, Campylobacter, or Clostridium perfringens. The contaminated food is often prepared under unsanitary conditions. Kamal appeared in his first film at age six. He makes films in all major Indian languages — Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam and Hindi. He is one of India’s most respected and revered film stars.