The California Department of Public Health is warning consumers not to eat “Food World Aam Papad Candy Spicy”–Dry Mango Candy Spicy–which was imported from India, due to unacceptable levels of lead.  

spicy-mango-candy.jpgFood World Aam Papad Candy Spicy is imported and distributed by Quality Products, Inc. of San Jose. CDPH is currently working with the distributor to ensure that the contaminated candies are removed from store shelves.

Health department analysis of the spicy mango candy determined that it contained as much as 0.29 parts per million (ppm) of lead. California considers candies with lead levels in excess of 0.10 ppm to be contaminated.

The candy is sold in 5.25 ounce clear plastic containers with red tops.  The containers are approximately 5 1/2 inches tall and have white labels displaying a red rectangle that contains the words, “Food World.”  The name of the candy is in black lettering.  

Pregnant women and parents of children who may have consumed this candy should consult a physician to determine if medical testing is needed. Consumers who find Food World Aam Papad Candy Spicy for sale are encouraged to call the California Department of Public Health Complaint Hotline at (800) 495-3232.

The health department provides more information about lead contamination on its Website.