Vacuum Pack Dried Lesh (fish) is being recalled by Staten Island, NY-based San Link Inc. because the product was found to be uneviscerated.

The sale of unevicerated fish is prohibited under New York State

Agriculture and Market regulations because Clostridium botulinum spores

are more likely to be concentrated in the viscera than any other

portion of the fish. 

Clostridium botulinum spores, which can cause Botulism, a serious and potentially fatal foodborne illness.  Symptoms of botulism include blurred or double vision, general weakness, poor reflexes, and difficulty in swallowing and respiratory paralysis.

Unevicerated fish have been linked to  past

outbreaks of botulism poisoning.

No illnesses have yet been associated with the recall, which was discovered by the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets during a routine inspection.

Consumers that have purchased Vacuum Pack Dried Krasnoperka (fish) are advised not to eat it and should return it to the place of purchase.  Consumers with questions should call San Link Inc at 718-967-8244.