A group of experts has identified persistent issues with allergen testing and depleted resources, skills, scientific capability and sampling as key drivers influencing the food and feed sector.

A total of 43 stakeholders including representatives from manufacturers, distributors, retailers, importers, regulators, legal and government met in London earlier this year
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A report from the Global Food Safety Partnership (GFSP) highlighted the need for increased targeted funding to promote domestic food safety across Africa.

GFSP called for more investment into programs focusing on public health after finding less than 5 percent of donor investments addressed specific health risks such as Salmonella
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Experts from 14 Latin American and Caribbean countries have met to discuss food safety ahead of upcoming Codex Alimentarius meetings.

Mary Frances Lowe, manager for Codex Alimentarius at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, said countries need to participate to achieve future collaboration, ensure integrated decision-making and raise the profile of
Continue Reading Latin American, Caribbean, USDA experts discuss the future of food safety

map-North-America_406x250The World Trade Organization (WTO) has authorized Canada and Mexico to charge the U.S. $1 billion in retaliatory tariffs for country-of-origin labeling (COOL) on meat. Last spring, WTO rejected a U.S. appeal of its decision that COOL unfairly discriminates against meat imports and gives the advantage to domestic meat products.
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