The FDA has issued a general warning and a specific warning letter regarding the use of probiotics in pre-term infants. Some products have been linked with more than two dozen reported “adverse events” since 2018 and one death in 2023, the agency said.

Probiotics contain live bacteria or other microorganisms

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According to press reports, the Food and Drug Administration said on Wednesday it was notified of one more infant death in January potentially related to Abbott Laboratories’ baby formula and the agency has started an investigation.

Abbott initiated a recall of its infant formula products and closed its Michigan plant

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The infant formula plant that just reopened June 4 after being closed for almost four months because of food safety problems is closed again, this time because of flooding.

Abbott Nutrition’s production plant in Sturgis, MI, closed down earlier this week after floodwaters swept through the area, according to a

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The Food and Drug Administration is investigating a new outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 infections, but little information has been released.

Ten patients have been identified in the E. coli outbreak, but no information has been released about where they live or what their ages are.

The FDA reports that

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This past week the CDC declared an outbreak of Cronobacter infections over after the FDA received four complaints of Cronobacter infections in infants beginning on September 20, 2021, through January 11, 2022. Two of the babies died. Parents of all four infants reported having fed their children formula produced

Continue Reading Publisher’s Platform: Abbott caused the infant formula crisis, but the FDA and public health enabled it – Congress needs to fix it

The CDC has declared that an outbreak of cronobacter infections among babies is over, but the Food and Drug Administration is continuing its investigation into the maker of the implicated infant formula.

The FDA received four complaints of cronobacter infections in infants beginning on Sept. 20, 2021, and running through
Continue Reading CDC closes infant formula outbreak investigation; FDA continues work to find source; USDA works to resolve shortages

A subcommittee of the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee is set to begin a hearing on infant formula shortages, which are related to recalls of products linked to an outbreak of cronobacter infections.

The Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee is scheduled to open the hearing on May 25, according to
Continue Reading Congressional subcommittee to investigate shortages of infant formula linked to outbreak

The Food and Drug Administration is allowing Abbott Nutrition to release limited amounts of certain infant formulas made at a plant under investigation in relation to an outbreak of cronobacter infections.

“The FDA is concerned that the risk of not having certain specialty and metabolic products available could significantly worsen
Continue Reading FDA clears release of limited infant formula on a case-by-case basis; investigation continues