Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ), which has responsibility for food safety in Australia and New Zealand, has upcoming comment deadlines for several draft variations to its food code.  

Three applications with comment deadlines in coming weeks are:

A1131 – 1 (Protease) as a Processing Aid (Enzyme) Seeks a permit

Continue Reading Deadlines set for comments to FSANZ on changes Down Under

“Coming down like a ton of bricks.” “Complicated and interwoven.” “Costly.” “The end of many small- and mid-size farms and food processors.” “Never heard of it.” “A work in progress.” When asked about FDA’s new proposed rule for food processing facilities, that’s how a sustainable-agriculture advocate, a food-safety expert for
Continue Reading Proposed Rule for Food Processors Alarms Some, Confuses Many

Government warning letters to several food companies were released this week. Food Safety News earlier reported on problem with sprout production at Henrys Farms in Virginia. Other warning letter activity includes: – Chu Minh Corp., doing business as Chu Minh Tofu in Seattle, received a warning letter from the U.S.
Continue Reading Several Food Companies Receive Warning Letters After FDA Inspection