Scottish health officials have admitted the surveillance of foodborne outbreaks suffered due to the pressures of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a report on gastrointestinal and zoonotic pathogens for 2020 and 2021, only outbreaks involving Public Health Scotland (PHS) are covered. Officials said as surveillance had lapsed, it was not a

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Shiga-toxin producing E. coli and Salmonella both caused six outbreaks last year in Scotland, according to figures from Health Protection Scotland.

Data comes from ObSurv, a surveillance system established in 1996 for general outbreaks of infectious intestinal disease in the country. It does not include those where infection is thought
Continue Reading Salmonella and E. coli behind six outbreaks each last year in Scotland

Campylobacter increased but Salmonella decreased in 2018, according to figures from Health Protection Scotland (HPS).

A total of 6,096 laboratory reports of Campylobacter were received by HPS last year, which was an increase of 301 (5.2 percent) compared to 2017 when 5,795 isolates were recorded. It is the second consecutive
Continue Reading Scotland reports Campylobacter infections up, Salmonella cases down