Californians won’t have to endure a price-escalating bacon shortage. California’s Superior Court for Sacramento County has halted enforcement of Proposition 12 because the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) hasn’t yet released final regulations for the law that voters approved in 2018.

“Judge (James) Arguelles’ decision recognizes the complexity
Continue Reading California judge rules Prop 12 pork sales provisions cannot be enforced without regulations

When California voters passed Proposition 12, it was all about animal welfare and food safety. In recent days, however, the Los Angeles Times has predicted the state’s consumers are shortly in for skyrocketing pork prices and pork shortages, an era the newspaper predicts will become known as “Bacongate.”

California won
Continue Reading With time running out, ‘Bacongate’ may soon be in California’s future

Sometimes lawyers talk about being able to use a knothole in the law that allows them to pull through much more of their own arguments than one might ordinarily expect. California has managed to rely on just such a “knothole,” with requirements for housing chickens and now pigs that must
Continue Reading Activists successfully defend California law imposed on sale of out-of-state farm products

The industry of animal cell-based/cultured technology has not yet brought any products to market, but the entry is fast approaching and applicable federal labels are soon going to be required.

And, the North American Meat Institute (NAMI) and the Alliance for Meat, Poultry and Seafood Innovation (AMPS Innovation) have  linked
Continue Reading Conventional and cultured industries express goals for federal labels

The North American Meat Institute (Meat Institute) and the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) last month signed a two-year alliance to provide Meat Institute members, the public, and other stakeholders with information, guidance, and access to training resources that will help employee protections..

But since
Continue Reading OSHA’s agreement with Meat Institute may be one toke over the line

Consumer Reports, published by the 7 million-member nonprofit Consumers Union, last week reported on survey results showing the public expects laboratory-produced meat from cultured animal cells to be clearly labeled. The results show the public favors different language that those pushing the new products.

“By an overwhelming margin, our survey
Continue Reading Public overwhelmingly favors term ‘lab-grown’ over ‘clean’ meat