PHOENIX — If there was one thing to take away from Tuesday’s session on the food safety concerns of plant-based ‘meat,” it’s that it’s not meat and can’t be approached in exactly the same way.

The session “Novel Foods, Novel Challenges: Food Safety Concerns in Plant-based, Cell-Cultured, and ‘Clean Label’
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Seven in 10 Americans are concerned about the presence of chemical products in food, according to a survey.

The poll by Mérieux NutriSciences and bioMérieux found 70 percent of respondents were troubled about this topic that covers pesticides, antibiotics and additives. Two thirds were concerned about bacteria such as Salmonella
Continue Reading Chemicals in food are a main safety concern for majority of Americans

The first World Food Safety Day, observed on June 7, was an opportunity to check on public opinion around the world. And the survey, say the sponsors, draws attention to the fact that food safety is crucial across geographies, and is everyone’s concern.

At 96 percent, residents of China are
Continue Reading China, France, India and USA are more alike than different when it comes to food safety