Research funded in part by the CDC has shown that food irradiation could reduce the number of foodborne outbreaks caused by pathogens.

For the project, researchers looked at 2,153 foodborne outbreaks from 2009 to 2020 caused by Campylobacter, Salmonella, E. coli, or Listeria monocytogenes. Of those, 482 included information regarding

Continue Reading Researchers say irradiation of food could reduce foodborne illness outbreaks

The pandemic will no doubt net more headlines in 2022 than any other topic, but that doesn’t mean discussions and news coverage about food safety will fade away. Along with recalls, outbreaks, and regulations, there will be new practices and technology to cover.

If the pandemic has taught us anything
Continue Reading The crystal ball for 2022 shows several food safety topics still in the spotlight

An intelligence report published by Advance Market Analytics details insights about the potential future of food irradiation around the world, pointing to food safety among the benefits.

United States companies will contribute to the maximum growth of the global food irradiation market throughout the predicted period of 2021-2026, according to
Continue Reading New study predicts food irradiation market growth over coming years


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Dear Editor,

Fecal contamination is very common in the butchering process of animals. During the process of disemboweling the chickens, the intestines
Continue Reading Letter to The Editor: Consumer best practices crucial for safe meat, poultry

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration will allow irradiation on crab, shrimp, lobster, crayfish and prawns to control foodborne pathogens and extend shelf life. After a safety assessment considered potential toxicity, the effect of irradiation on nutrients, and potential microbiological risk, the agency decided to amend current food additive regulations
Continue Reading FDA Allows Irradiation in Crustaceans for Foodborne Pathogen Control