A food safety agency has revealed that it conducted more than 103,000 inspection visits in 2023 in the United Arab Emirates.

The Abu Dhabi Agriculture and Food Safety Authority (ADAFSA) undertook 103,000 inspections during 2023, covering all food establishments within the country. They resulted in 3,391 violations and 27,895 warnings.

Continue Reading UAE inspection data; melon outbreak case study released to mark WFSD

A study has found an association between violations of food safety legislation and a company’s weak financial situation.

The work investigated the link between the financial situation of Finnish businesses and the inspection grades their food production establishments received. 

According to the study published in the journal Food Control

Continue Reading Financial data could help target risk-based inspections

The World Health Organization (WHO) has published guidance to help national authorities design and implement risk-based food inspection systems.

Risk-based inspection aims to use resources more efficiently and modernize systems through a scientific and risk-based approach focused on food products and businesses that pose the highest risk to consumer health.

Continue Reading WHO helps countries understand risk-based inspections

Researchers have tried to find out if inspection findings can be used to predict where foodborne outbreaks may happen.

The study investigated whether routine inspection results were associated with the occurrence of foodborne outbreaks in restaurants and institutional catering. The hypothesis was that poorer inspection results would be associated with
Continue Reading Study assesses link between inspection results and outbreaks


Budget woes are part of so-called normal life right now, especially for individuals and small businesses. Public entities such as school districts are also having trouble making ends meet. In addition to keeping the lights on, finding enough employees to fill open positions is another challenge related
Continue Reading Beach Beat: We need food safety boots on the ground and we need them right now