Consumer Federation of America

The USDA has proposed a rule that would stop poultry producers from selling chicken and turkey contaminated with high levels of certain types of Salmonella.

The rule, would make it illegal to sell chicken, chicken parts or ground chicken and turkey if it is found to be contaminated with

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Eleven organizations that work closely with the Food and Drug Administration are asking bipartisan congressional leaders to work with them on “several pressing food safety issues this year.”

The eleven who’ve written congressional leaders include:

–Steven Mandernach, Executive Director, Association of Food and Drug Officials
–Donna Garren, Executive Vice President

Continue Reading Food safety groups pitch congressional leaders on the inside game

Several groups, including Consumer Reports and STOP Foodborne Illness, have written to USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack in support of increased food safety efforts regarding Salmonella in poultry.

The groups describe current regulations as “antiquated” and encourage the secretary to move forward to develop new and enforceable standards that are product

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Four years ago, Thomas Gremillion of the Consumer Federation of America petitioned USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) on behalf of the Safe Food Coalition. The petition sought an FSIS rulemaking to revise the regulations that prescribe mandatory safe handling instruction (SHI) labeling for raw and partially cooked meat

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The Consumer Federation of America (CFA) presented an installment of its Virtual National Policy Conference series, titled “A New Day at USDA for Food Safety?” on Tuesday.

Speakers included Dr. Patricia Griffin, chief of the Enteric Diseases Epidemiology Branch at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Sarah Sorscher,
Continue Reading Stakeholders reaffirm need for more modern meat and poultry policies

ALERT: A USDA spokesperson told Food Safety News the agency is not staffing its phones dedicated to consumer complaints about meat, poultry and processed egg products during the partial government shutdown. The service is operating online, but USDA responses might be delayed.

The head of the Food and
Continue Reading ALERT: U.S. representative, advocates say food safety programs dangerously disrupted

There’s no indication yet that anyone is the least bit embarrassed about the failure to yet identify the precise source of an E. coli O157: H7 outbreak involving at least 32 states and four Canadian provinces.  But nine consumer and food safety groups have stepped forward to demand that FDA
Continue Reading Make leafy greens “high risk” and chase them down quickly, say consumer groups